About us
Our aims
The Peterborough Society was formed in 1952, the inaugural meeting taking place in the Angel Hotel, which stood on the site of the Angel Inn, neither of which now exist but the existence of both have been commemorated by our Angel Inn blue plaque. The minutes from that meeting can be read by following the link. From 1990 the society was renamed The Peterborough Civic Society which we felt more represented the purpose of the group.
We are committed to making Peterborough a pleasant and interesting place in which present and future generations can be proud to live, work and socialise; retaining local features of merit irrespective of age and encouraging new development which is well designed and sustainable.
What do we do?
- We organise a lively programme of talk and local visits
- We monitor and comment on planning applications and changes in planning policy
- We undertake projects which protect or celebrate Peterborough's heritage or contribute to its future
- We campaign for the enhancement of the city centre and the proper care of our public realm elsewhere
- We have good relations with the local media for highlighting concerns over proposed developments that are detrimental to the existing, lack good quality design or miss an opportunity for being much better
- We support Heritage Open Days each year in the Peterborough area
- We work constructively with the Peterborough City Council and their agencies
We meet monthly to hear speakers on planning, design, regeneration, other environmental issues and the history and culture of Peterborough
We visit places of interest during the summer
We participate in events throughout the year and publish articles and leaflets and other information
We invite corporate membership and our current corporate members can be found here.
Who are we?
We are a voluntary, membership based organisation, a charity and registered with Civic Voice. Committee member Kem Mehmed has written an article about the Society and is well worth reading and can be found here.
Our privacy policy is available to read by following the link, over how we use and protect the information we hold on our members, and the use of cookies on the website and why they are used.
Our constitution is avaliable to read by following the link.
Our accountants are Azets (formerly Baldwin Accountants) and we thank them for their assistance
with auditing our year end accounts.
page last changed 26 September 2023 TW